How does tutoring work at GeeklyHub?
It's really easy! Just follow these steps to schedule a tutoring session with an expert Geek right when you need it.
  • Step 1

    Create a help request

    Request a tutoring session right in your account. Specify the topic and the desired length of the session.

    Step 1

    Create a help request

    Request a tutoring session right in your account. Specify the topic and the desired length of the session.

  • Step 2

    Get matched with a Geek

    Let the AI algorithm find you an experienced tutor who is available among the most relevant profiles.

    Step 2

    Get matched with a Geek

    Let the AI algorithm find you an experienced tutor who is available among the most relevant profiles.

  • Step 3

    Collaborate with your Geek

    Use interactive chat messaging and other convenient means to work 1-on-1 with the tutor.

    Step 3

    Collaborate with your Geek

    Use interactive chat messaging and other convenient means to work 1-on-1 with the tutor.

  • Step 4

    Enjoy on-demand tutoring

    Request online tutoring on any topic anytime. Hire your favorite Geek or let the algorithm find one for you!

    Step 4

    Enjoy on-demand tutoring

    Request online tutoring on any topic anytime. Hire your favorite Geek or let the algorithm find one for you!

Please be aware that Geeks will not agree to be engaged in any kind of activity not aligned with college policies.
Popular request examples
Teach me how to calculate a confidence interval.
Time is a terrible thing to waste, right?
our Geeks are rated 4.7 on average

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